About Color Hex #f5f84c

The color Khaki, with hexadecimal code #f5f84c, sits in the yellow color family, traditionally viewed as a symbol of optimism, happiness, and illumination. Many cultures associate yellow with prosperity and clarity, though too much intensity can sometimes overwhelm the eye. Additionally, it evokes emotions such as Freshness, Harmony, Growth, Youthfulness and Renewal. Yellow represents wealth, glory, and wisdom in various cultures, including being the color of royalty in ancient China. It is also associated with happiness and optimism in many Western cultures. With a high saturation of 92.47%, it appears vibrant and vivid, and its lightness of 63.53% gives it a brighter appearance. This color is ideal for designs that aim to express Freshness, Harmony, Growth, or Youthfulness. It can be effectively used in web design, branding, and marketing materials to attract attention and convey specific messages.

The RGB values for Khaki are (245, 248, 76), providing a combination of red: 245, green: 248, and blue: 76. In HSL format, it has a hue of 61.00°, saturation of 92.00%, and lightness of 64.00%.

The HSV representation includes a hue of 61.00°, saturation of 69.00%, and value of 97.00%. Its CMYK composition is cyan: 1.00%, magenta: 0.00%, yellow: 69.00%, and black: 3.00%.

The calculated luminance of #f5f84c is 0.871, offering a brightness level suitable for various design requirements.

This color is not part of the web-safe color palette. The closest web-safe color to this is the color HEX #FFFF33. Its contrast ratio is 18.41:1 against black and 1.14:1 against white. It works well on dark backgrounds but may be less readable on lighter ones.

In terms of color temperature, #f5f84c is considered a warm hue. When it comes to accessibility, testing against standard guidelines suggests that using black text meets typical WCAG contrast standards. Additionally, the ideal foreground color for improved legibility on #f5f84c is black.

Considering its saturation and lightness, #f5f84c appears more vivid and energetic, making it stand out in designs that aim to capture attention.

Histroy, Usage, Psychology and Design Ideas for Color Hex #f5f84c

Khaki (#f5f84c) falls under our yellow family.

Historical Facts: In ancient China, yellow was strictly reserved for the emperor’s garments, reflecting its prestige as the 'imperial color.' During the Middle Ages, certain yellow pigments—like 'lead-tin yellow'—were prized by European painters despite their toxicity. Yellow often symbolized divinity, wealth, or clarity in different cultures.

Usage Tips: Yellow easily grabs attention—think hazard signs and traffic lights—so it’s perfect for cautionary elements or cheerful branding. Pale shades of yellow can add gentle warmth without overwhelming, while bold, saturated yellows create energetic focal points in your designs.

Psychological Effects: Yellow evokes optimism, curiosity, and happiness. Used thoughtfully, it can lift mood and bring a sunny disposition to a space; however, harsh or overly bright yellows sometimes strain the eyes or evoke anxiety if applied too liberally.

Design Ideas: For a crisp modern contrast, pair bright, sunny yellow with charcoal gray or black. Conversely, use light pastel yellows in interior design or on websites to establish a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, especially in lifestyle or hospitality projects.

#f5f84c Color Conversions

  • HEX:
  • RGB:
    245, 248, 76
  • HSL:
    61, 92%, 64%
  • HSV:
    61, 69%, 97%
  • CMYK:
    1%, 0%, 69%, 3%
  • XYZ:
    X: 72.53, Y: 87.07, Z: 19.82
  • CIE L*a*b*:
    L: 94.77, a: -20.54, b: 77.63
  • LCH:
    L*: 94.77, C*: 80.30, h째: 104.82

RGB Color Percentages for #f5f84c

RGB Color Percentages for Khaki (HEX Code: #f5f84c) display the relative contribution of Red, Green, and Blue in forming the color. Understanding these percentages provides insight into the color's visual balance and primary components.

This color is primarily dominated by Green, making up 43.59% of the total composition. The complete breakdown of RGB contributions is:


This analysis highlights the influence of each primary color, offering a deeper understanding of the visual characteristics of Khaki.

CMYK Ink Levels & Print Guide for #f5f84c

CMYK Ink Levels for Khaki (HEX Code: #f5f84c) provide a breakdown of the percentages of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black inks needed for accurate print reproduction. The composition of Khaki prominently features Yellow, reflecting its dominant color characteristic. This information is invaluable for optimizing ink usage and achieving precise color results in printed materials.

The exact CMYK values are: Cyan: 1.21%, Magenta: 0%, Yellow: 69.35%, and Black: 2.75%.

Luminance and Contrast Ratio for #f5f84c

Luminance measures the brightness of a color, while contrast ratio indicates the difference in brightness between two colors. A higher contrast ratio ensures better readability and accessibility, especially for text on colored backgrounds.

Contrast with Black:
Contrast with White:

Quick CSS Snippets for #f5f84c

Quickly apply this color to your designs using these CSS-ready snippets in different formats. Just copy and paste!

background-color: #f5f84c;
background-color: rgb(245, 248, 76);
background-color: hsl(61, 92%, 64%);

#f5f84c Monochrome Palette

The Monochrome Palette consists of shades created by adjusting the brightness. These include lighter, original, and darker shades of the color. This layout helps to visualize the color's range and its potential use in design.

#f5f84c Original

#f5f84c Complementary Palette

The Complementary Palette is made up of two colors that sit opposite each other on the color wheel. These colors create high contrast and vibrant designs, making them perfect for attention-grabbing elements and dynamic visuals.

#f5f84c Original

#f5f84c Analogic Palette

The Analogic Palette consists of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. These colors typically create harmonious and subtle designs, often used to evoke calmness and unity in your visual projects.

#f5f84c Original

#f5f84c Triadic Palette

The Triadic Palette is made up of three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel. This combination provides a vibrant and balanced color scheme, often used for dynamic and energetic designs while maintaining harmony.

#f5f84c Original

#f5f84c Quad Palette

The Quad Palette, also known as tetradic, consists of four colors evenly spaced on the color wheel. This combination offers a diverse and bold color scheme, ideal for creating rich, complex designs with multiple accents while still maintaining balance.

#f5f84c Original

Color Blindness Simulation for #f5f84c

Colors are perceived differently by individuals with various forms of color blindness. Use the dropdown below to see how this color may look through the eyes of someone with color vision deficiency. Explore how Khaki (#f5f84c) might appear to people with different visual experiences, and gain deeper insights into color accessibility for your designs!

Each color box displays a "Friendly" or "Not Friendly" tag in the bottom-right corner. A "Friendly" tag indicates that the color difference is distinguishable to individuals with the specific type of color blindness. Conversely, a "Not Friendly" tag means that the color difference might not be distinguishable, potentially causing accessibility issues in your design.

Normal Vision

Deuteranopia (Green Weakness)

Not Friendly

Protanopia (Red Weakness)


Tritanopia (Blue-Yellow Weakness)

Not Friendly

Achromatopsia (Total Color Blindness)

Not Friendly

Color Harmonies for #f5f84c

Color harmonies refer to the visually pleasing combinations of colors that are derived from specific relationships on the color wheel. These harmonious schemes, such as complementary, triadic, and analogous colors, create a balanced and engaging visual experience in design.




Tetradic (Quad)

Explore Vibrant Images Featuring Khaki (#f5f84c)

Discover a vibrant gallery of images that not only showcase the captivating hue of Khaki, but also embody its unique mood and personality. Each carefully curated photo is selected to highlight the richness and diversity of this color, offering inspiration for design, art, and creative projects.

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